Update v1.4.0: Multiwallet, token search

Moonarch App
2 min readOct 8, 2021


Hello Moonarchers and welcome to this new update article. The last major version featured the sharable token page and people have already started using the Moonarch Rugchecker before buying tokens! Share them in your telegram groups to prevent rugs and extend Moonarch reach.

This new update brings the long-awaited Multiwallet feature and improvements to the token search. Let’s dive in!


It’s been on the roadmap since the launch and was always pushed for more pressing matters, it’s finally there! You can now add more wallets in the Wallet section and have a merged view of all your assets. This can be a huge quality of life improvement for people using several wallets.

Example with 3 wallets

You can still select and deselect each wallet in the list to view only some of the wallets if needed. This allows you to get a global overview of your BSC assets without having to change your wallet on Metamask!

Wallets by premium Tier: Free: 1 / T1: 3 / T2: 5 / T3:10

Token search

The last update introduced the token pages and added a search field in the header of the app to access them. It was only possible to input an address, which was a bit limited. You can now also search by name and symbol:

Token search

Popular tokens usually have copycats trying to lure buyers, you should always have the token with the most liquidity at the top of the list, along with the token age and its address to prevent any error.

Once you found the token you were searching, just click it to access the token page and get the active locks, the rugcheck results, owner, price info…

Other changes

  • Wallet: The BNB/USD switch will now be saved
  • Fixed issues with Unicrypt and Mudra locks

What’s next

  • The Ethereum port is being worked on actively between other tasks, we are still planning to release it in October
  • If all goes well with this first port, we should have other ports rather quickly. MATIC, AVAX, Arbitrum, Fantom are being considered. Maybe even KCC!
  • I’ve been personnally working on a special addition to the Moonarch app, a utility not really linked to what we already have. It should be released soon after this update with a dedicated page
  • The lockers are being created faster than we implement them since they are very time-consuming. We already have the most used ones, but here is the todo list: PinkSale, Olympus, Hibiki, CoinTool…

See you soon for an article about v1.5.0!

