Update v1.0.0: Premium Tier 3, contract analysis

Moonarch App
5 min readJul 27, 2021


Hello everyone, the biggest update since the launch of Moonarch back in May is right around the corner now! You probably thought the feature updates were slower than usual for the past weeks, this is because we have been working on building our backend server, as announced before.

It took more time than planned, but it is finally going live very soon! This server allows us to do many more things with the app, without overloading everyone’s browser with tons of new queries. There are many things to cover, let’s get started! Summary:

  • Premium Tier 3
  • Token events: Contract analysis
  • Token events: Liquidity added
  • Various improvements
  • What’s coming next

Premium Tier 3

We have alluded to it multiple times on Telegram: a new and probably final premium Tier is coming to Moonarch along with the update.

The requirements for this third Tier are 60,000 MOONARCH tokens, which is around $840 when I’m writing this article. This might seem a lot to some of you, but this is only half the original price of Tier 2 when the app launched. And it is also an investment, since we expect to greatly increase our market cap when the bullrun comes back while we keep adding features to make Moonarch the essential trading app for BSC (and beyond!).

Why this new Tier? First, our brand new backend server is bringing new possibilities compared to what we were doing until now. And we are only getting started, as our todo-list is huge.

Besides that, the token value has decreased since May with the semi bear market and the end of the initial hype. Adding this new Tier will give a new incentive to buy more MOONARCHs and try to go back to ATH. The buyback and burns done with the ad revenues will continue and also help on this matter, along with more funds allocated to marketing.

In order to protect the access to Moonarch and its API, we have also added a wallet checking step when opening the app with Tier 3. This is a classic mecanism that you might have seen in other dApps before, to replace the traditional account creation with login and password. MetaMask will open a welcome popup and you just have to sign by clicking a button.

Token events: Contract analysis

This is the main change coming along with Tier 3. Token events were supposed to be a side feature of Moonarch initially, but it surely made its way into your hearts and might be the most used tool afterall.

It is great for finding brand new gems before anyone else, and it currently shows the name/symbol/address, ownership renouncements (sometimes faked) and locks. This update brings Token events to the next level, with a complete analysis of the tokens and their contract.

You got that right, we are talking about mass contract analysis and rug-check, all in real-time! No address (or code) to copy and paste, this is all integrated in our scanner. Now our main use-case is obviously not being the best rugchecker: the point here is to check the most common things and get a quick overview of the token. If it allows to eliminate half of the new tokens without doing anything, this is already an enormous gain of time for you gem snipers. A form will be put in place to allow the community to report contracts that ended up being undetected scams, so that we can improve the controls over time.

Instead of displaying a score like some of those apps do, we display the amount of warnings and alerts found. You can click on them to see more details.

Examples of warnings:

  • Owner has 11% of the supply (+ holders link)
  • Creator has 54% of the liquidity (+ holders link)
  • lock() method could be used to fake-renounce

Examples of alerts:

  • Check code of renounceOwnership function (+ code in popover)
    => potential scam code detected
  • 95% of the supply is burnt
    => attempt to hide big dev wallets?
  • Compiler version is < v0.6
    => earlier versions are more prone to scams

But wait, there is more: we also display the links found in the contract, like Telegram or Twitter accounts, allowing you to check their socials even faster.

We also display the market cap and the liquidity available at the time of the event, which can help you skip tokens with ridiculous starting values. Who doesn’t like to ape into a 3 billion dollars gem?

Summary of what is being added:

  • Automatic mass rug-check of all new contracts
    (if verified on BscScan when the Pancake pair is created)
  • Contract verified yes/no
  • Links found in contract
  • BscScan link to owner, if any
  • Starting market cap and liquidity
  • Fake ownership renounce check
  • Fake lock detection
  • BNB amount and lock website for locks

Token events: Liquidity added

It’s not the only thing being added to Token events with Tier 3. We will now have events when a significant amount of liquidity is added to a token pair:

The thresholds for an event to be displayed are currently:

  • At least 3 BNB
  • At least 30% liquidity increase

We will probably make those values customizable in the future, to allow for further control over this pretty useful new event.

As always, DYOR before apeing in a token!

Various improvements

  • Added TrustSwap locks
  • Added BSCrypt locks

What’s coming next?

Building the server took us time, but it was essential to allow us to bring many more awesome features in the coming weeks. Here is a small sneak-peak of what to expect next:

  • Improved Token details popup to show the new information added in Token events, with supply/liquidity repartition pie charts
  • Show all known locks of a token, in an easy to use unified display across all lock providers
  • Sharable token links (like PooCoin/Bogged/Dextools links) to a page that will contain all known information about the token. This will also help to make Moonarch known to everyone
  • Custom filters on Token events, to only see Liquidity locks for example
  • Improved Token events UI
  • Save whales on server for premium users
  • And much more…

