Update 1.3.0: Sharable token pages

Moonarch App
4 min readSep 22, 2021


The next update to Moonarch.app is right around the corner, let’s discover what is inside!


  • Sharable token pages
  • API and locks update
  • New contracts
  • Presale events
  • Other changes

Sharable token pages

This is the main new feature: there is now a page for all tokens, and you can share it in Telegram or to your friends like you would share a PooCoin/Dextools/Bogged link.

Example with ElonGate

The content of this page is similar to the popup that was introduced back in August:

  • All basic info: price, market cap, liquidity, MC/Liq ratio…
  • Owner, creator, renounced status, token age, supply
  • All active locks, including expired locks that haven’t been withdrawn
  • Moonarch rugcheck results
  • Supply and liquidity repartition (owner, locked, burnt…)

The goal with this is to provide all necessary info when you are considering buying a token, and now be able to share it to others, like you would with a PooCoin or Dextools link. In this spirit, the token page will be free for now, to allow for everyone to try it out!

We also aim to bring a lot of new users with this, by showing them what the app can do to help them trading. So if you want to help promote Moonarch, just share the token links!

API and locks update

Since the API has been pretty stable since its launch, we are opening it to Tier 1 and Tier 2 users for Token events. This will be especially useful for lock events, and we also have news on this side:

  • New locker: Cryptex
  • New locker: DXLock v3.0

Note that since the Tier 1/2 users are now connecting to the API, they will have to sign their wallet once per day, like Tier 3 users do since August. This is a safe and free process that is commonly used in dApps.

Another new thing is that we now record whether an expired lock has been withdrawn or not:

This allows to know if a token that seems to be locked when looking at the supply chart or the holders page, is in fact ruggable at any moment if the locker decides to withdraw the unlocked tokens.

New contracts

Since the beginning of Moonarch, we have been displaying the newly tradable tokens in Token events. This means we display them when a new trading pair has been created on PancakeSwap.

Starting with this update, we will also display all the newly created contracts, before they are even made tradable. We will also have a special note when we detect that the contract is ERC721-compliant: meaning it’s a NFT contract. Available in Premium Tier 3.

Presale events

This is a last minute addition to the update, we now display new DXSale/Unicrypt presales in Token events when they are created, and also when they are about to start. This will allow you to be immediately informed when new opportunities appear. Available in Premium Tier 3.

Other changes

  • Token events: filter events by their type
  • Token events: bigger history loaded when launching the app
  • Rugcheck: do some checks on bytecode when contract is not verified
  • Token page: alert when a lock is expired but not withdrawn

Coming next

  • We have been working in parallel on the Ethereum port. This is the next big step, coming in October
  • We have started to look into adding a price chart in the Token page!
  • Improve token search by allowing to enter a symbol or name
  • New checks in rugcheck
  • Promoted token in Token events
  • We are planning to change the layout in a future update, as a lot of people have been asking to be able to display the tools in full screen.

